204 research outputs found

    Fault Coverage Requirement in Production Testing of LSI Circuits

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    A technique is described for evaluating the effectiveness of production tests for large scale integrated (LSI) circuit chips. It is based on a model for the distribution of faults on a chip. The model requires two parameters, the average number (n0) of faults on a faulty chip and the yield (y) of good chips. It is assumed that the yield either is known or can be calculated from the available formulas. The other parameter, n0, is determined from an experimental procedure. Once the model is fully characterized, it allows calculation of the field reject rate as a function of the fault coverage. The technique implicitly takes into account such variables as fault simulator characteristics, the feature size, and the manufacturing environment. An actual LSI circuit is used as an example

    Forecasting Reject Rate of Tested LSI Chips

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    The reject rate of LSI chips due to incomplete fault coverage of the tests is the fraction of faulty chips, among the chips that pass the tests. This reject rate, which is a measure of the tested chip quality, contributes to the field returns. It is, however, difficult to determine the tested chip quality from the field return data which may also include rejects due to handling damages, infant mortality, etc. Also, a large number of chips must be in use in the field before an adequate amount of field return data can be obtained. This paper gives a method of forecasting the reject rate from the test data alone before any field trials are made

    Fault Coverage Requirement in Production Testing of LSI Circuits

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    A technique is described for evaluating the effectiveness of production tests for large scale integrated (LSI) circuit chips. It is based on a model for the distribution of faults on a chip. The model requires two parameters, the average number (n0) of faults on a faulty chip and the yield (y) of good chips. It is assumed that the yield either is known or can be calculated from the available formulas. The other parameter, n0, is determined from an experimental procedure. Once the model is fully characterized, it allows calculation of the field reject rate as a function of the fault coverage. The technique implicitly takes into account such variables as fault simulator characteristics, the feature size, and the manufacturing environment. An actual LSI circuit is used as an example

    Forecasting Reject Rate of Tested LSI Chips

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    The reject rate of LSI chips due to incomplete fault coverage of the tests is the fraction of faulty chips, among the chips that pass the tests. This reject rate, which is a measure of the tested chip quality, contributes to the field returns. It is, however, difficult to determine the tested chip quality from the field return data which may also include rejects due to handling damages, infant mortality, etc. Also, a large number of chips must be in use in the field before an adequate amount of field return data can be obtained. This paper gives a method of forecasting the reject rate from the test data alone before any field trials are made

    Accurate Computation of Field Reject Ratio Based on Fault Latency

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    The field reject ratio, the fraction of defective devices that pass the acceptance test, is a measure of the quality of the tested product. Although the assessment of quality is important, an accurate measurement of the field reject ratio of tested VLSI chips is often not feasible. We show that the known methods of field reject ratio prediction are not accurate since they fail to realistically model the process of testing. We model the detection of a fault by an input test vector as a random event. However, we recognize that the detection of a fault may be delayed for various reasons: the fault may be detectable only by application of a sequence of vectors or it may not have been targeted until later. In our statistical model, a fault is characterized by two parameters: a per-vector detection probability and an integer-valued latency. Irrespective of the detection probability, the fault cannot be detected by a vector sequence shorter than its latency. The circuit is characterized by the joint distribution of latency and detection probability over all faults. This distribution, obtained by applying the Bayes’ rule to the actual test data, enables us to compute the field reject ratio. The sensitivity of this approach to variations in the measured parameters is also investigated

    Delay Test Quality Evaluation Using Bounded Gate Delays

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    Abstract: Conventionally, path delay tests are derived in a delay-independent manner, which causes most faults to be robustly untestable. Many non-robust tests are invalidated by hazards caused primarily due to non-zero delays of off-path circuit elements. Thus, non-robust tests are of limited value when process variations change gate delays. We propose a bounded gate delay model for test quality evaluation and give a novel simulation algorithm that is less pessimistic than previous approaches. The key idea is that certain time-correlations among the multiple transitions at the inputs of a gate cannot cause hazard at its output. We maintain “ambiguity lists ” for gates. These are propagated with events, similar to fault lists in a traditional concurrent fault simulation. They are used to suppress erroneous unknown states. Experimental results for ISCAS benchmarks with gate delay variation of ±14 % show a miscorrelation of critical path delay as much as 20%.

    Accurate Computation of Field Reject Ratio Based on Fault Latency

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    The field reject ratio, the fraction of defective devices that pass the acceptance test, is a measure of the quality of the tested product. Although the assessment of quality is important, an accurate measurement of the field reject ratio of tested VLSI chips is often not feasible. We show that the known methods of field reject ratio prediction are not accurate since they fail to realistically model the process of testing. We model the detection of a fault by an input test vector as a random event. However, we recognize that the detection of a fault may be delayed for various reasons: the fault may be detectable only by application of a sequence of vectors or it may not have been targeted until later. In our statistical model, a fault is characterized by two parameters: a per-vector detection probability and an integer-valued latency. Irrespective of the detection probability, the fault cannot be detected by a vector sequence shorter than its latency. The circuit is characterized by the joint distribution of latency and detection probability over all faults. This distribution, obtained by applying the Bayes’ rule to the actual test data, enables us to compute the field reject ratio. The sensitivity of this approach to variations in the measured parameters is also investigated


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    We propose a novel design for testability method that enhances the controllability of storage elements by use of additional clock lines Our scheme is applicable to synchronous circuits but is otherwise transparent to the designer. The associated area and speed penalties are minimal compared to scan based methods, however, a sequential ATPG system is necessary for test generation. The basic idea Is to use independent clock lines to control disjoint groups of flip-flops. No cyclic path are permitted among the flip-flops of the same group. During testing, a selected group can be made to hold its state by disabling its clock lines In the normal mode, all clock lines carry the same system clock signal. With the appropriate partitioning of flip-flops, the length of the vector sequence produced by the test generator for a fault is drastically reduced. An n-stage binary counter is used for experimental verification of reduction in test length by the proposed technique

    A testability metric for path delay faults and its application

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    Abstract — In this paper, we propose a new testability metric for path delay faults. The metric is computed efficiently using a non-enumerative algorithm. It has been validated through extensive experiments and the results indicate a strong correlation between the proposed metric and the path delay fault testability of the circuit. We further apply this metric to derive a path delay fault test application scheme for scan-based BIST. The selection of the test scheme is guided by the proposed metric. The experimental results illustrate that the derived test application scheme can achieve a higher path delay fault coverage in scan-based BIST. Because of the effectiveness and efficient computation of this metric, it can be used to derive other design-for-testability techniques for path delay faults. I
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